The Reluctant Writer

Batman takes the weekend car out for breakfast

Pulled to write.. but without a topic – stinks! However, it makes my brain swirl and observe the world differently. Maybe that’s the point after all.

Today I had breakfast with my love. As we chatted, I watched a small boy playing with his mom on the steps of the restaurant. When they came inside to eat, he parked his little blue car outside the front door. Well, okay, he parked it in the middle of the front step. Thankfully, the Valet (or restaurant owner) moved his vehicle to a safer location.. along the cement post still on the stoop. Good man. He understood the importance of safe parking AND leaving the batmobile in the sun for a breakfast stop over.

Gotta love that.

Then our food came. I had the best omlette – Popeye and Pig – or bacon and spinach with swiss cheese. Local eggs from the egg lady.. local spinach from Kirsop Farms.. and coffee. oh – Saturday mornings are GOOD.