A visual tour of our latest meals
Okay – so sitting down to type up a post just has not happened. I have been sick lately – not just with a cold, but beyond normal. I thought I had mono (nope) and am just ready to be able to take a full breath again. I’m so tired, but life just does not stop when Mom is tired….or grades are due…or … well, you already know.
So rather than a recipe, here’s a visual tour of all the things I *thought* I was going to be able to write up, but just haven’t had a moment to catch my breath (or the physical ability to catch my breath – LOL) lately.
Which one interests you? What are you making now that Fall is here?

Currently, I have a fresh, whole pumpkin sitting on our counter. It came with our CSA pick up. I have delicata squash, carrots, beets, rainbow chard, purple cabbage, celeriac, etc. Missing is the time to explore/experiment. Most of what we eat is stir-fry as it is so easy to chop up the veggies we have on hand and munch.
But last night I made some yummy tortilla soup – another family favorite way to use a ton of veggies.
Winter is really just starting around here now. The dark, cold mornings are upon me. Seems like just last week the sun was shining on my way in to work and on my way home. I think I need to learn how to make some tasty gumbo this winter. Anyone have a recipe they recommend? 😀
Happy GF Eating All –