Gluten Free Everyday Eats – Day 11
Let’s see: sick kids, new eyeglasses and a birthday (reluctant) boy to boot.
Normally, I would have taken a trip up to a local Korean bakery to pick up a cake for My Love. He loves fresh cream and fruit cakes. But with a sick kid? No thanks.
Other option? This Gluten Free Sponge Cake. It’s his second favorite.
But oh no. I decided to make a blueberry pie. I had to use up some of the blueberries in the fridge. Our favorite variety (“Spartans”) will be at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday. But as a budget watcher, I wasn’t about to go out and buy more if we still had a huge amount left behind. So tonight I not only made a blueberry pie, but I also made a ginger-blueberry syrup for weekend pancakes. (My weekend just may have to start tomorrow because that syrup is killer yummy!)
The pie? Well..the improv pastry shell was decent. But my filling needed a LOT more sugar. I was trying to cut back and only used about 1/2 cup of sugar in my 8 cups of berries. It was definitely not enough. And since we didn’t let it cool for several hours (only 1 or 1.5), it was a tad runny. Ah well. Live and learn, right?
The app I’ve started using along with this personal challenge of posting my daily food is called “MyFitnessPal”. Today it says I’ve logged the most calories from any other in the last 11 days. I’m not shocked. The blueberry pie and blueberry syrup may have just been what pushed me over the edge. LOL Amazingly, because I walked an extra mile and ta-dah! I was STILL coming in on count. I still need to get more veggies in my day. The teeny bit (corn and some lettuce at lunch) is not exactly filling nor filling me up with the nutritional things I will gain from it. I will have to figure out a plan of attack to do that. I used to be much better (sans kidlets) when I would bring home groceries and immediately prep by chopping etc for the week. Not any more.
I am also trying to figure this out to encourage my eldest to eat more vegetables. She used to eat a ton of veggies but now would rather stick to udon noodles, chicken, tofu, cheeseburgers (cheese! cheese! cheese!), or fruit. Gone are the days that she used to eat zucchini, black beans, corn, etc. I’m blaming myself but am hopeful that it’s a kid phase.
Have any of you seen this program? “Today I Ate A Rainbow” I might try to figure out how to make a chart for ALL of us to use for a week/day following this idea. Any thoughts?
Here is the food for the day:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries. Coffee.
Lunch: “Bacon- Lettuce-NO Tomato – Turkey” in a tortilla. Water
Snack: White peach and water
Dinner: Grilled sesame chicken, sticky rice, corn on the cob, and watermelon. Water to drink.
Birthday Dessert: A slice of blueberry pie and one scoop of ice cream. (And there are three more birthday celebrations this month! Be still my waistline!)
Hope you all are enjoying wonderful gluten free goodies too!